Generate More Leads

Using Facebook Ads Strategies That WORK!

​Not Enough Fresh Qualified Leads? You Need This! Sales Teams Twiddling Their Thumbs? You Need This! Sales Dwindling as Customers Move To the Competition? You Need This!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the 7 Days to Unlimited Leads Course

    • !! Some Actions Before You Get Started !!

    • A Personal Welcome

  • 2

    Day 1 of 7

    • Day 1: What is possible with Facebook Ads

    • Day 1 of the 7 Days Challenge

    • Day 1 Slides

  • 3

    Day 2 of 7

    • Day 2: Facebook Ads Mindset, Budgets, Bidding

    • Day 2 of the 7 Days Challenge

    • Day 2 Slides

  • 4

    Day 3 of 7

    • Day 3: Facebook Ads Structure

    • Day 3 of the 7 Days Challenge

    • Day 3 Slides

  • 5

    Day 4 of 7

    • Day 4: Finding Audiences, Audience Sizes and Targeting

    • Day 4 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 1

    • Day 4 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 2 (Saved Audiences)

    • Day 4 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 3 (Custom Audiences)

    • Day 4 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 4 (Lookalike & Close Geographic)

    • Day 4 of the 7 Days Challenge (Wrap Up)

    • Day 4 Slides

    • Customer Avatar WorkSheet (Thanks to Digital Marketer)

  • 6

    Day 5 of 7

    • Day 5: Preparing for Ad Creation (Image, Video & Copy)

    • Day 5 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 1

    • Day 5 of the 7 Days Challenge - The Tools

    • Day 5 of the 7 Days Challenge Wrap Up

    • Day 5 Slides

    • Ad Copy Template (In Excel Format)

  • 7

    Day 6 of 7

    • Day 6: Lead Form Ads + Recap Before Go-life

    • Day 6 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 1

    • Day 6 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 2

    • Day 6 of the 7 Days Challenge Wrap Up

    • Day 6 Slides

  • 8

    Day 7 of 7

    • Day 7: It's Go-Life. We Place Your First Lead Generation Ads

    • Day 7 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 1

    • Day 7 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 2 (Creating the Lead Form)

    • Day 7 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 3 (Creating the Ads)

    • Day 7 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 4 (Download Lead Info and Wrap Up)

    • Day 7 of the 7 Days Challenge Add-On (How to send your promised deal)

    • Day 7 Slides

    • Updated Ad Copy Template PLUS Check Sheet

  • 9

    Day 8

    • Day 8: Some automation and time to say goodbye .. for now ;)

    • Day 8 of the 7 Days Challenge

    • Day 8 Slides

  • 10

    Bonus Training

    • $100 000 Mastermind "Get Leads" Training

    • Crazy Discount Funnel Ebook

    • Detailed Canva Tutorial - Enjoy :)

    • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (Ebook)

    • The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace D Wattles (Ebook)

    • Social Media Image Size Vault

  • 11

    Viking Youtube Marketing

    • BONUS TRAINING: Viking Youtube Marketing (Available from Day 8)

    • Viking Youtube Marketing Video 1 of 4

    • Viking Youtube Marketing Video 2 of 4

    • Viking Youtube Marketing Video 3 of 4

    • Viking Youtube Marketing Video 4 of 4

    • Viking Youtube Marketing Ebook

  • 12

    Rapid Instagram Traffic

    • BONUS TRAINING: Rapid Instagram Traffic (Available from Day 12)

    • Rapid Instagram Traffic Video 1 of 8

    • Rapid Instagram Traffic Video 2 of 8

    • Rapid Instagram Traffic Video 3 of 8

    • Rapid Instagram Traffic Video 4 of 8

    • Rapid Instagram Traffic Video 5 of 8

    • Rapid Instagram Traffic Video 6 of 8

    • Rapid Instagram Traffic Video 7 of 8

    • Rapid Instagram Traffic Video 8 of 8

  • 13

    Additional Weekly Training (Available from Day 8)

    • Pinterest for Businesses

    • Hot Seat Webinar 7 Nov 19

    • Webinar Training 21 Nov 19

    • Live Landing Page & Ad Review (Fitness Industry)

    • Landing Page & Facebook Ads Q&A PLUS Facebook Advertising Policy

    • Landing Page & Facebook Ads Q&A PLUS Facebook Advertising Policy

    • Facebook Pixel Training

  • 14

    Populating Your Social Channels On Autopilot (Released Day 12)

    • Populating Your Social Channels Using The Later App 1/3

    • Populating Your Social Channels Using The Later App 2/3

    • Populating Your Social Channels Using The Later App 3/3

Your Course Instructor

Nico Smit

With almost 10 years of online marketing experience, and customers that include Marie Forleo, Beyond Diet and Tonya Leigh, my goal in business is to teach business owners TRIED AND TESTED methods of marketing that works NOW!

Additional Bonus Training - Value $997

Get this course today and we will include 3 AMAZING bonuses at NO additional cost!

  • Viking YouTube Marketing

    YouTube is one of the first global social networks around, and its relevance continues to do nothing but grow. Worldwide, YouTube has over 1 billion users (yes, a billion) and a whopping 30 million of them watch videos every day.

  • Rapid Instagram Traffic

    Want to Learn How to Rapidly Grow a Super Targeted Instagram Fan Base... The Right Way! Then this 8-Part, Step-By-Step Video Course on how to grow your organic traffic on Instagram is a perfect add on to the 7 Days to Unlimited Leads Challenge..

  • $100k Mastermind Training

    This never before released training on how to create websites that generate LEADS was done at a Dean Graziosi mastermind where attendees had to pay $100 000 to attend!

Get This Amazing Bundle Deal Today

Learn how to use Facebook, YouTube and Instagram to generate income for your business with this amazing bundle deal!