Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the 7 Days to Unlimited Leads Course

    • !! Some Actions Before You Get Started !!

    • A Personal Welcome

  • 2

    Day 1 of 7

    • Day 1: What is possible with Facebook Ads

    • Day 1 of the 7 Days Challenge

    • Day 1 Slides

  • 3

    Day 2 of 7

    • Day 2: Facebook Ads Mindset, Budgets, Bidding

    • Day 2 of the 7 Days Challenge

    • Day 2 Slides

  • 4

    Day 3 of 7

    • Day 3: Facebook Ads Structure

    • Day 3 of the 7 Days Challenge

    • Day 3 Slides

  • 5

    Day 4 of 7

    • Day 4: Finding Audiences, Audience Sizes and Targeting

    • Day 4 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 1

    • Day 4 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 2 (Saved Audiences)

    • Day 4 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 3 (Custom Audiences)

    • Day 4 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 4 (Lookalike & Close Geographic)

    • Day 4 of the 7 Days Challenge (Wrap Up)

    • Day 4 Slides

    • Customer Avatar WorkSheet (Thanks to Digital Marketer)

  • 6

    Day 5 of 7

    • Day 5: Preparing for Ad Creation (Image, Video & Copy)

    • Day 5 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 1

    • Day 5 of the 7 Days Challenge - The Tools

    • Day 5 of the 7 Days Challenge Wrap Up

    • Day 5 Slides

    • Ad Copy Template (In Excel Format)

  • 7

    Day 6 of 7

    • Day 6: Lead Form Ads + Recap Before Go-life

    • Day 6 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 1

    • Day 6 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 2

    • Day 6 of the 7 Days Challenge Wrap Up

    • Day 6 Slides

  • 8

    Day 7 of 7

    • Day 7: It's Go-Life. We Place Your First Lead Generation Ads

    • Day 7 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 1

    • Day 7 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 2 (Creating the Lead Form)

    • Day 7 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 3 (Creating the Ads)

    • Day 7 of the 7 Days Challenge Part 4 (Download Lead Info and Wrap Up)

    • Day 7 of the 7 Days Challenge Add-On (How to send your promised deal)

    • Day 7 Slides

    • Updated Ad Copy Template PLUS Check Sheet

  • 9

    Day 8

    • Day 8: Some automation and time to say goodbye .. for now ;)

    • Day 8 of the 7 Days Challenge

    • Day 8 Slides

  • 10

    Bonus Training

    • Crazy Discount Funnel Ebook

    • Detailed Canva Tutorial - Enjoy :)

    • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (Ebook)

    • The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace D Wattles (Ebook)

    • Social Media Image Size Vault